I am a SAJ user
If you use the e-SAJ system or another SAJ solution and have any questions.
By determination of the Courts, all services must be conducted through their official channels, so that they can register and prioritize the resolution of problems. Therefore, we recommend that you open a ticket through one of the links below:
TJSP - https://www.tjsp.jus.br/PeticionamentoEletronico
TJAC – https://www.tjac.jus.br/servicos/e-saj/
TJAL – https://www.tjal.jus.br/noticias.php?pag=lerNoticia¬=16734
TJAM – https://www.tjam.jus.br/index.php/e-saj-portal-de-servicos
TJCE – https://www.tjce.jus.br/noticias/central-de-atendimento-em-ti-cati-do-tjce-passa-a-atender-em-novo-numero-e-ganha-melhorias-a-partir-de-1o-de-janeiro/
TJMS – https://sti.tjms.jus.br/confluence/display/CSTI
[ATTENTION] O TJBA and TJRN have not been active Softplan clients for some years and, therefore, do not have the original SAJ updates. We recommend that you contact the Court directly through its official channels so that they can instruct you on how to request assistance.
TJSP - https://www.tjsp.jus.br/PeticionamentoEletronico
TJAC – https://www.tjac.jus.br/servicos/e-saj/
TJAL – https://www.tjal.jus.br/noticias.php?pag=lerNoticia¬=16734
TJAM – https://www.tjam.jus.br/index.php/e-saj-portal-de-servicos
TJCE – https://www.tjce.jus.br/noticias/central-de-atendimento-em-ti-cati-do-tjce-passa-a-atender-em-novo-numero-e-ganha-melhorias-a-partir-de-1o-de-janeiro/
TJMS – https://sti.tjms.jus.br/confluence/display/CSTI
[ATTENTION] O TJBA and TJRN have not been active Softplan clients for some years and, therefore, do not have the original SAJ updates. We recommend that you contact the Court directly through its official channels so that they can instruct you on how to request assistance.
In these cases, you must contact the official support of the institution directly.
You can send a message through our contact page by clicking here.
Choose the option “I am a client”, fill in all the information and select “SAJ Procuradorias/Estados” or “SAJ Procuradorias/Municípios”.
Choose the option “I am a client”, fill in all the information and select “SAJ Procuradorias/Estados” or “SAJ Procuradorias/Municípios”.
You can check SAJ Help, our portal that covers the main questions about the operation of SAJ Tribunais, SAJ Ministérios Públicos, SAJ Defensorias and SAJ Procuradorias.
You can send a message through our contact page by clicking here.
Choose the option “I would like speak with Commercial”, fill in all the information and select the name of the product you are interested in.
Choose the option “I would like speak with Commercial”, fill in all the information and select the name of the product you are interested in.