Transforming Infrastructure and Works

Our solutions implement a transparent and data-based intelligent management, allowing for the better use of the funds raised. Higher efficiency in the management of transport infrastructure and public works, in addition to the regulation of passenger transport. The citizen is the winner.

Infrastructure and Works

Intelligent management platform for public works contracts, efficiently integrating all information, from budget to delivery.

Infrastructure and Works


Platform for end-to-end smart management of road infrastructure and regulation of passenger transport, optimizing resources and generating efficiency.

Transforming Justice

Technology is responsible for more efficiency in Justice today. With innovative solutions, we help the judicial ecosystem to process cases with more agility, manage lawyers’ work more efficiently and make more assertive decisions, making Justice quicker and more transparent.


SAJ Defensorias

Solution that ensures the complete management of the judicial and extrajudicial demands of Public Defenders’ Offices in Brazil, with agility, standardization and quality of service.


SAJ Procuradorias

Solution that automates the activities of Tax Foreclosure, Judicial Litigation and Consultative Administrative Proceedings, in addition to the standardization of the spheres of action.


SAJ Ministérios Públicos

Platform for electronic integration of the work of prosecutors, attorneys and servants of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, in an effective, efficient and transparent way.


SAJ Tribunais

Solution that promotes digital transformation in Courts throughout Brazil, reducing the processing time of cases, expediting daily routines.

Transforming Digital and Administrative Proceedings

With the agility and assertiveness guaranteed by the Digital Transformation, through our data intelligence solutions, civil servants can optimize their work and ensure fast response and transparency in the services provided to citizens.

Digital and Administrative Proceedings


Solution for the efficient management of externally-funded projects, managing the receipt of disbursements and foreign currency exchange.

Digital and Administrative Proceedings


A platform that saves public money, reduces printing and protects the environment in the public sector.

Digital and Administrative Proceedings

Solar BPM

Process automation tool for Public Management, raising work efficiency and agility by virtualizing and automating operating routines.

Smarter roads and works

For transport regulation, our solutions ensure an intelligent and transparent management with better allocation of the funds raised. And for the intelligent management of public work contracts, we cover the entire process: you can compose budgets, manage contracts, take measurements and inspect the works in an integrated and digital way.

  • Integrate all data into a single system;
  • Intelligently manage the funds raised and optimize passenger transport revenues;
  • Use data intelligence to facilitate decision-making;
  • Use data intelligence to facilitate decision-making;
  • Compose budgets easily and precisely;
  • Offer transparency to citizens.
Smarter roads and works

More than 100 million cases concluded

Our solutions of assistance to legal proceedings have already benefited millions of Brazilian citizens and also the environment. Check out some of our numbers:

  • 35 million cases in progress being streamlined by our solutions;
  • 165 thousand direct users, managing their work better;
  • 1 thousand direct users, managing their work better;
  • 25 thousand tons of paper saved;
  • Up to 620% reduction in the duration of cases;
  • 6,2 million hours of work saved with the automated distribution of cases;
  • 304 trees and 2,5 billion liters of water saved.
More than 100 million cases concluded

Technology benefiting citizens and the environment

Digital transformation is revolutionizing public management in all spheres (municipal, state and federal), connecting the government with citizens also in the digital scenario.

  • Efficiency and agility in processes;
  • Access to information and transparent actions;
  • Provision of online services to citizens, eliminating queues;
  • Optimization of workflows and reduction of bureaucracy;
  • Over 81 million pages of paper saved
  • More than 8 thousand trees saved
  • More than 812 million liters of water saved
Technology benefiting citizens and the environment