Business on the move

Using data in favor of business objectives is the great mission of a data-driven culture. Assertively implementing this approach, however, is still a complex task.

Currently, big data is the term of the moment. Therefore, it is not difficult to find methods for collecting data. However, the data-driven culture goes further by prioritizing analysis and interpretation of data to guide decisions and strategies

It is necessary to put the insights into practice, but assertively, withsiderI control the other variables that influence the company's processes. Therefore, a significant change in work tools, flows and, most importantly: in the mentality of teams and management is necessary. 

In short, data-driven culture is the organizational movement that places data analysis at the center of decision making. It is one of the pillars of innovation and technological revolution that we currently experience. 

Data analysis, in turn, encompasses processes of collection, inspection, cleaning and, of course, critical analysis in order to transform data into reliable and useful information for making strategic decisions and defining solutions to various problems.

Importance of data-driven culture in companies

Experts warn: Without data intelligence, markets will not survive. 

According to Gartner studies, in 2022, Decision Intelligence, which combines automated analysis and AI to guide the data-driven decision-making process, was identified as one of the main technological trends. 

in one of your predictions latest on data analysis until 2028, the consultancy also highlights that 45% of product marketers will be guided by data analysis to monitor behaviors and define segmentation and communication actions. 

Therefore, withsiderar the collection and critical analysis of data as a strategic part of organizational culture opens up a range of possibilities and benefits, including: 

  • Smart and reliable decisions: “above all, show the data”, sums up Edward Rolf Tufte – North American professor of statistics and political economy. The processing of information relevant to companies must not leave room for “guesswork”; 
  • Data analysis reduces time and expenses with empirical models or actions based solely on intuition and experiences. Actions become more assertive, with better results when experiences and data analysis work together;

A good example of this is the automation of marketing campaigns. The performance of actions, interaction and reception of consumers are monitored in real time, which reduces the time taken to make decisions. 

All this data, critically analyzed according to established metrics, can highlight the need for changes. This way, it is possible to review a poorly performing action in a timely manner and maximize results.

  • Predict trends to decrease corrections and reworks, which can result in high and unplanned costs for the operation;
  • Improve the performance of marketing actions: by cross-referencing consumer behavior information, companies are able to launch new products and services, promote them or withdraw them from the market.

Which marketing actions have the expected return? Which projects require more costs than results? Real-time information enables quick changes to avoid losses. 

Since the subject is organizational change, find out more about knowledge management in companies.

Implementing a data-driven culture: where to start?

The benefits of a data-driven culture are undeniable. Despite this, companies face challenges in its implementation, as this requires a reorganization of existing structures and the creation of new routines. Check out some guidelines for applying the data-driven culture in companies.

Invest in an efficient tool

Establishing data-driven management requires the adoption of tools for collection and analysis, as well as structures that organize existing information and communicate between systems. 

The ideal is to have a professional specialized in digital transformation and data analysis to help choose the tool, in addition to training internal agents to act as disseminators of the data-driven culture among employees. 

Define what is worth analyzing

Data volume alone means nothing: It is necessary to define which indicators are relevant for daily decision making. The mission is to select what really matters, and share the insights with the sectors involved. 

SaaS metrics: characteristics and main indicators to monitor

Conduct training with employees

Employees need to understand the importance of data analysis so that it is possible to extract the benefits of this resource. To achieve this, it is essential to offer training on the topic and training on the use of the chosen tools. 

After all, the information generated should not be limited to specialist sectors or leaders. Optimizing data-based processes requires team autonomy. 

Create action plans

With analysis of indicators At hand, it is necessary to create action plans to solve possible challenges that the numbers show. Remember that data always represents some insight, positive or not, as well as pointing out trends and opportunities for the company. 

This way, managers are able to plan for the long term, so that the business will be more prepared to face unforeseen events. 

Monitor constantly

Although they facilitate future planning, The data presents momentary scenarios, therefore, monitoring must be constant. 

If you are a user of streaming platforms, you have certainly noticed that your activities are monitored instantly. A change in your musical style, for example, generates new suggestions for you and new behavior patterns for the application. 

In a data-driven company, this constant monitoring is part of the routine. It is possible to use data to guide agile decisions, whether from an operational perspective with employees, or from a strategic perspective for product design and performance. 

Attention to data protection

É It is essential to invest in information security, whether through information access control, cloud systems, in addition to firewalls and other initiatives suggested by experts. 

Compliance with the General Law on Data Protection (LGPD) It is essential to ensure the correct use and processing of information, avoiding cyber attacks and data leaks, which can harm users and the company's image. 

As well as handling tools, employees must also be prepared to act in accordance with company policies and the Law. We even have an article about the impacts of LGDP in technology companies, take the opportunity to learn more about the topic.

Gabriela Torres

Gabriela Torres

Civil Engineer from UFSC, today works as Head of Market Intelligence for the Construction Industry at Softplan. Passionate about data science and Python, she started using data analysis as a way to automate processes and increase the team's knowledge about its customers.

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