Transformative knowledge and technology

We are one of the largest software development companies in Brazil and we serve several segments of high impact to society, offering solutions that are a benchmark for digital transformation in the public and private sectors.

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Digital Transformation Solutions:

We offer digital transformation solutions for several Public Sector institutions.

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MultiSaaS Solutions:

We offer an ecosystem of solutions that meet the recurring business management demands of various segments.

See who has innovated with our software

BTG Actual
City Hall Ribeirão Preto
Barueri City Hall
Cury Builder
Lumis Construction
Unimed Grande Florianópolis
City Hall of Juiz de Fora
Municipality of Balneario Camboriu

What our customers have to say

"O it goes far beyond us simply entering information into the digital system (...) It takes the process from its origin to its end, until the end of a contract. Everything being launched within the system. Where the operationality of contract management becomes not just uploading documents, not just scanning and uploading documents, but processing as information."

Humberto Schmidt

Coordinator Project Avança Saúde São Paulo | Municipal Secretary of Health of São Paulo 

"We believe that in the medium term Barueri will be effectively paper free, in particular, starting with the Administration Secretariat. I am very pleased with Softplan, which based on what I saw is a very reputable andtransparent company that works with top public bodies, such as our Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo. It is already a very reliable point and, with the competence of the CIT, we will quickly reach success in Barueri and we will be even prouder of our city."

Cilene Rodrigues Bittencourt

Administration Secretary of the Municipality of Barueri

"O Sienge it is the backbone, the main system. Any other tool that needs to be used by any of the areas of the company has to start from what we have in the Sienge."

Sabrina Ribeiro

COO at Cury Construtora

"Assaí strongly values the health of our customers and employees. Easy Checklist allows us to manage all the stores simultaneously, understand improvements and address non-conformities.If it were all on paper, it would be quite complicated."

Natalia Figueiredo

Coordinator of Technical Training in Food Safety at Assaí Atacadista


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Find out what the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are and the corporate benefits


Find out what the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are and the corporate benefits

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a global UN response to contemporary challenges, succeeding the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Launched in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda, the 17 SDGs cover critical areas for sustainable development, such as eradicating poverty, environmental protection, promoting quality education, gender equality and climate action. These goals aim to guarantee global peace, prosperity and well-being by 2030. The relevance of the SDGs transcends governments, encompassing companies, organizations and individuals, providing clear guidance for the implementation of sustainable and integrated actions globally. SDGs in the Corporate Context In the corporate context, the integration of the SDGs into business strategies is essential to face current challenges. Companies that adopt international frameworks, such as the SDGs, are able to align their initiatives with global demands, promoting transparency and comparability. Additionally, the SDGs serve as a guide for organizations looking to maximize their positive impact but don't yet know where to start. Incorporating them into strategic planning strengthens the brand's positioning and helps attract and retain talent. This integration also: Improves corporate reputation; Opens new market opportunities; Ensures long-term sustainability; Responds to the needs and expectations of key stakeholders. Linking the SDGs to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) programs allows companies to address critical issues with a direct impact on the SDGs. This ensures operations and strategies that significantly contribute to sustainable and inclusive development. The relationship between the SDGs and ESG programs is direct, as both share the promotion of sustainable and responsible business practices. The adoption of a well-structured ESG program allows companies to address critical issues related to their operations, with an impact on the SDGs. SDG and ESG in Softplan   Na Softplan, our ESG program in the structuring process is based on three pillars: Innovative Solutions, Transformative Relationships and Reliable Operations. All of them are directly correlated to the SDGs and were structured based on international guidelines and methodologies, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the UN Global Compact and national guidelines such as the Ethos Institute and the B3 Corporate Sustainability Index. The fundamental objective of this process is to define the organization's material themes, that is, the areas or themes that generate the most significant impacts (positive or negative) that the company causes (or can or could cause) on its most relevant stakeholders. Based on the material themes that emerged from our listening and engagement process with stakeholders, we identified the impacted SDGs, which led to positioning in the strategic pillars: Innovative Solutions: we use technology to accelerate business efficiency and propose solutions that promote innovation and positive impacts for customers, society and the environment (SDGs 9, 10, 11, 13 and 16); Transformative Relationships: we believe in the transformative power of knowledge, which is why we foster an ecosystem that promotes the development and inclusion of employees and communities (SDGs 3, 4, 5 and 8); Reliable Operations: we continually focus on the accurate, safe and ethical execution of all activities, ensuring reliability and consistency in each process (SDG 16). How to measure and account for We are committed to measuring and accounting for our impacts, recognizing the importance of indicators and criteria that make sense for the Softplan and our stakeholders. This process is essential to ensure transparency and maximize the positive impact of our actions. Through continuous engagement with customers, employees, investors and other stakeholders, we seek to constantly improve our evaluation methods, ensuring that our initiatives effectively and genuinely contribute to the SDGs. A Softplan is in a privileged situation in terms of its potential to generate positive impacts. In the public sector, we have 9 Digital Transformation solutions that work directly to expand and qualify the provision of public services to society. In other words, greater efficiency and quality translate into greater well-being and social justice. In civil construction, we have an ecosystem that currently has 7 solutions. This sector, due to its nature of activity, is a large emitter of greenhouse gases. This means that reduced waste and greater efficiency can mean less pollution. Civil construction is also a sector that induces economic growth. According to ABRAINC, the civil construction chain involves 62 economic activities, which together represent 8% of GDP, that is, double the direct impact. ​ According to data from IBGE, in the Contínua PNAD, in 2023 7,244 million people worked in civil construction. Of these, 2,748 million formally. In other words, there is potential to formalize 4,5 million workers. How we do it Measuring this impact appropriately is the first step to starting the virtuous cycle of continuous improvement. In the case of our public sector solutions, with the Customer stakeholder in mind, we created the ESG Indicator Center. It is a tool that directly contributes to the accountability of the results obtained to society and customers in a clear and transparent way. Another advantage is promoting continuous strategic discussion with stakeholders about how our solutions can maximize their positive impacts and eventually avoid, minimize, mitigate or remedy negative ones. Thinking about our solutions for the Public Sector, more specifically for Courts of Justice, we have the SAJ (Justice Automation System). The digital judicial process, which eliminates the need for paper consumption, resulted in savings of 2023 thousand tons of greenhouse gases in 68 (this is equivalent to a fleet of almost 60 thousand vehicles traveling on the streets in one year), which is directly related to SDG 13 - Action against global climate change. The question remains (and consequently the objective and action plans): for 2024, how can we further reduce this volume of emissions? Another example. Still in 2023, the Departments of Roads and Highways and State Infrastructure Secretariats, which use the Sider, it took an average of 23 hours to approve contract measurements, which represents a gain of 45% compared to 2022. Faster measurement contributes to greater agility in construction processes and inspection of public works, which in turn facilitate directly with SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Still, for 2024, how can we support our customers to further reduce the approval period? SDG 16, for example, which deals with Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions, is practically the reason for the entire SAJ suite of solutions, serving the Courts of Justice, Public Ministries, Public Defenders and Prosecutors' Offices. Our work in civil construction also has an organic and direct impact. A recent article by the Brazilian Association of Real Estate Developers correlated the construction chain with 9 different SDGs. A study by the Green Building Council from 2019 is even more educational in presenting the relationship between the SDGs and the construction chain: The SDGs represent a milestone in the search for a fairer, more equitable and sustainable future. Through the 2030 Agenda, the UN not only offers a comprehensive plan of action to address the biggest global challenges, but also provides a universal framework that can be adopted by governments, businesses and individuals. At the corporate level, the integration of the SDGs into business strategies is a matter of social responsibility and an opportunity for innovation and sustainable growth. The relationship between the SDGs and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) programs highlights the importance of responsible business practices that directly impact global goals. Adopting well-structured ESG principles allows companies to meaningfully contribute to the SDGs by addressing critical issues related to the environment, society and governance. At Softplan, the commitment to sustainability is reflected in our three pillars: Innovative Solutions, Transformative Relationships and Trustworthy Operations, each related to the specific purposes of the SDGs. Measurement and accountability are essential to ensure transparency and maximize the positive impact of our actions. When developing solutions for the public sector and civil construction, we also seek to promote social well-being and reduce environmental impacts. Tools such as the ESG Indicator Center and initiatives such as SAJ (Justice Automation System) exemplify our commitment to sustainability and innovation.

What is the role of Cloud Computing in digital transformation?


What is the role of Cloud Computing in digital transformation? 

Goodbye papers, drawers and huge cabinets: much more than saving physical space and paper, cloud computing has transformed the way we store files and modified several business processes. Today, it is not necessary to be physically at the company to have access to important data and information. With a Wi-Fi signal and a login, wherever you are, you can consult, download files and send them in a few seconds. Cloud computing concerns the storage and processing of data online, that is, it does not require physical hosting devices and allows access in real time and remotely. This applies not just to accessing that folder on Google Drive or the PDF in your email. Bank transfers, remote monitoring and streaming platforms are other applications of cloud computing. It is very likely that you are already experiencing such changes in your daily life. In this article, we delve deeper into the impacts of cloud computing on digital transformation. Check out relevant analyzes and research on the topic. Good reading! photo: Dino How cloud computing impacts innovation The adoption of cloud computing directly impacts companies' ability to innovate, as it offers flexibility in accessing data and transcends limitations imposed by traditional infrastructures. The agility and speed of cloud computing optimize companies' innovation process, allowing them to become more competitive. In practice, this means that businesses can more quickly take advantage of technological resources, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI. After all, it is necessary to have access and storage of data on a large scale to apply machine learning - teaching a “robot” how to answer the most common questions in a company's support sector, for example. Global collaboration and mobility are also enhanced. With a large volume of processed data, the exchange of knowledge worldwide is stimulated, which directly favors innovation. An example is open source companies, which make their system codes available on the internet to be downloaded and used by any developer. Another example is the cloud's pay-as-you-go payment model, which reduces financial barriers traditionally associated with innovation. By eliminating the need for large capital investments, companies can allocate resources more efficiently, directing them towards research and development. This financial flexibility not only encourages continuous innovation, but also allows businesses to experiment and take risks more strategically. In practice, the adoption of cloud technology is a revolution in business models. Eliminating the need for local infrastructure and costs associated with server maintenance allows companies to optimize budgets, in addition to ensuring data security. Another important gain is also related to storing and sharing information. Now, these processes are carried out online, streamlining operational tasks and promoting a data-driven culture. source: Cisco Impact of Cloud Computing on customer experience The rise of cloud computing triggers a revolution in the way organizations interact and connect with their customers. The convergence of accessibility, personalization, real-time engagement and 24/7 scalability drive consumer loyalty and satisfaction. Offering a unified experience to customers contributes to increased satisfaction and, consequently, customer loyalty. Furthermore, customization is also taken to a new level. Collecting and analyzing large volumes of customer data becomes more efficient and accessible, enabling companies to deliver more relevant and personalized offers and experiences. The ability to understand consumers' individual preferences results in more meaningful interactions, creating an environment where they feel truly recognized and valued. Ultimately, real-time engagement emerges as a driving force in consumer interaction. Cloud-based solutions facilitate instant interactions through intelligent chatbots, AI-driven recommendations, and instant support. This immediate response capacity meets the growing demand for real-time interactions, providing a more dynamic and satisfying experience and, thus, increasing customer retention - as shown in a study carried out by Salesforce, where 71% of customers made purchasing decisions with based on the quality of customer service. source: Salesforce 2022 Cloud computing is a driving force in the digital transformation journey, especially in companies. This not only positively affects customer behavior, but also fuels innovation, serving as a catalyst for change. The ability to transform operations, reduce costs and develop competitive advantages makes cloud technology an essential component in business strategies.

Softplan announces the acquisition of Deep Legal


Softplan announces the acquisition of Deep Legal

A Softplan has just made its 11th acquisition, with the aim of further consolidating its portfolio and remaining one of the largest SaaS and digital transformation business ecosystems in the country. The company acquired Deep Legal, a digital platform focused on legal intelligence, with the capacity to monitor and analyze data and information. The Group's new company Softplan operates in the legal and financial sector of the country's major litigants and offers more opportunities for success in civil and labor processes through the development of data-driven solutions, helping to boost the strategy of the Legal Tech vertical and strengthen the SaaS ecosystem. With this movement, the Group Softplan intends to expand its strength in the legal sector, making this vertical more robust and complete for its clients. Check out more details in the exclusive article with CEO Eduardo Smith

Impact of the current economic scenario on companies’ growth and financing strategies


Impact of the current economic scenario on companies’ growth and financing strategies 

The global economic scenario has been marked by turbulence since 2023. Several events, such as crises in the credit market, the slowdown in inflation and the delay in reducing basic interest rates, impacted expectations and speculation in local and global economies. Faced with these challenges, growth and financing strategies require review and adaptation. To better understand this context and find out how companies can chart a safe path amid an uncertain outlook, Portal Visão spoke with André Tavares, CFO of Softplan. He shared his perspectives on the impact of economic turmoil and offered insights for businesses looking to thrive amid market volatility. Persistent inflation and geopolitical uncertainties impact global economic growth The year 2024 presents a challenging global economic outlook, marked by slowing growth, persistent inflation and geopolitical uncertainties. IMF (International Monetary Fund) projections, published in the World Economic Outlook (WEO) report, indicate that, despite the resilience observed to date, the world economy faces significant risks. In the geopolitical scenario, conflicts in the Middle East and the war between Russia and Ukraine intensify uncertainties, impacting the global context, as André highlights: "We still don't have a full understanding of whether these conflicts will weaken or worsen. In any case, In this way, they continue to influence economic flows, energy generation and the prices of commodities such as oil". For the CFO of Softplan, these wars have direct implications on global markets, affecting not only the economies directly involved, but creating ripples of impact throughout the international economic system. “Increased geopolitical tensions could lead to significant changes in investments and economic policies in different regions”, he comments. Data from the World Bank reveals that trade growth in 2023 was the slowest in half a century, excluding periods of recession. This performance reflects the contraction in merchandise trade, with global industrial production also showing weakness. Although there are optimistic projections for 2024, with global trade expected to grow at around 2,3%, experts highlight that this recovery is still modest. This perspective gains relevance to thesiderWe believe that, after a global recession, the recovery period between 2021 and 2024 is seen as the weakest in decades. Reflections of the economic dynamics of great powers In addition to geopolitical issues, André also highlights the economic scenario in the United States and its ripple effect: "In the United States, we have a very persistent inflation scenario. The American Central Bank had to increase interest rates, which is a significant change compared to recent years. This directly influences investments, especially in companies, startups and innovation projects." The World Bank's outlook is that American growth will decline to 1,6% this year, with a reduction in savings and still high interest rates. Labor shortages and economic and political uncertainties are also expected to affect business investment. André explains that “the rise in interest rates in the US has a global impact, affecting the domestic investment environment and influencing the decisions of investors and companies around the world”. For him, the difficulty in accessing capital at lower rates can restrict economic growth and innovation in several sectors. He highlights the interconnection between the global and Brazilian economies: "If the American interest rate does not fall, the Brazilian interest rate cannot fall either, due to the interest rate differential between the economies. This is reflected in companies and harms the investment environment, resulting in fewer projects and financing." Technology remains attractive for investments, but it is important to evaluate case by case When discussing investment opportunities, André emphasizes the importance of evaluating not only specific sectors, but the individual characteristics of companies. He highlights that “companies with high debt represent a greater risk in periods of less economic dynamism, where a significant portion of their results are directed to interest payments”. On the other hand, he explains that businesses that generate cash and maintain low debt are seen as interesting opportunities. In this context, André notes that some sectors, such as healthcare, face significant growth challenges due to high debt. “Operators, health plans, insurance companies and hospitals are among the companies facing these difficulties”, he states. However, he highlights the technology sector, especially software companies, as one of the most promising. “Companies in general are undergoing an intense digital transformation, reflecting a global trend of digitalization, which has positively impacted their growth and cash generation potential”, he explains. For him, software companies that generate cash and that can show good growth rates are the best investments today. However, he warns that it is essential to distinguish between technology companies that grow and generate cash from those that, despite growing rapidly, consume more resources. This last group will face additional challenges due to the increasingly tight financing environment. Artificial intelligence continues to rise Another point raised by André is that we are experiencing a significant boom in the area of ​​artificial intelligence — in his words, “a moment of euphoria in which everyone is watching the impact that AI will have on business”. Data collected by Sling Hub contextualizes this scenario. According to the data intelligence platform, in the first half of this year alone, Brazilian startups with AI in their solutions raised more than US$110 million in investments. André notes that AI companies are growing impressively, but warns about the possibility that we are in a phase of high speculative growth, where these businesses may be overvalued. “Although it is a strong growth scenario, this may not be the best time to invest in this sector due to the potential bubble”, he warns. Furthermore, he highlights the transformation of the job market driven by AI, highlighting the increase in home working and the fluidity in work relationships. André sees these changes not just as trends, but as realities that will continue to bring significant transformations to the world stage. Moment requires caution and strategic planning from companies This context, marked by high interest rates and a retraction in economic activity, requires caution and strategic planning from companies, especially for those that are in debt, as André warns. For him, in a time of instability, efficient cash management becomes crucial for the company's survival. "Generally, managers are looking too much at accounting results, such as EBITDA, and forget about cash management. Prioritizing cash flow guarantees the necessary liquidity to honor commitments and avoid collapse", he explains. André reinforces that debt, although undesirable, is a reality for many companies. He emphasizes that the key to dealing with this situation lies in strategic debt management. "If you are in debt, it's time to look inside the company, see what opportunities there are for extracting and generating internal value so that you can reduce the level of leverage", he advises. Another point raised by André is that for companies with good financial health, the moment can present unique investment opportunities. "If you are a company that is growing, that is well capitalized, I would say that this is the time to look at good investment opportunities", he advises. He adds that “strategic acquisitions at advantageous prices can drive growth and strengthen market position.” According to André, the current economic context, although challenging, also offers opportunities for companies that prove resilient and adaptable. "There is no prospect in the short and medium term for interest rates to reduce much. So, companies that know how to navigate this crisis with intelligence and strategic planning will emerge stronger and ready to prosper in the future", he concludes. Asked about the outlook for the coming months, André foresees the continuation of a challenging scenario, characterized by high interest rates and economic difficulties. He also points to the importance of closely monitoring developments in 2024, including events such as the United States election, which could significantly impact economic and investment decisions.

Artificial Intelligence: ethics, security and sustainability


Artificial Intelligence: ethics, security and sustainability

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that focuses on developing systems and machines capable of performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence. These software are designed to simulate human cognitive processes such as learning, reasoning, problem solving, and perception. Thus, it is possible to automate complex tasks and make decisions based on data. AI encompasses a wide range of techniques and approaches, including machine learning, artificial neural networks, natural language processing and computer vision. These technologies allow AI systems to learn from data, recognize patterns, make predictions and interact more naturally with humans Artificial intelligence is already a reality Artificial Intelligence has become a dominant force in today's society, impacting several aspects of our daily lives. After all, this technology offers results that often resemble the results produced by human beings. Recent advances in the area of ​​machine learning have even allowed software systems to become capable of creating new and original content in the form of texts, images, audio and videos. The main consequence of these changes is the significant increase in the use of AI in people's daily lives. Energy sustainability and AI Energy sustainability in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies proactively contributes to the sustainable future of the industry and the planet. A company aware of the challenges related to reducing environmental impact must implement solid strategies to enable the application of this technology. Organizations, whenever possible, should opt for solutions based on distributed computing or cloud computing, where resources are shared between several organizations, avoiding the need for excessive investments in local hardware and allowing greater energy efficiency. In this context, two factors allow for energy savings during the training and execution of machine learning models: model optimizers and lighter deep learning algorithms. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence models Machine learning models can reflect and amplify human prejudice, perpetuating discrimination against certain groups of people. Artificial neural networks can "learn" about what is right and wrong according to the data on which it is trained, just as children can absorb prejudiced biases on different topics. Additionally, the lack of transparency in some machine learning models can make it difficult to identify biases and prejudices. Algorithmic discrimination can reproduce existing patterns of discrimination and inherit biases present in the training data. The increasing concern of companies on this topic is illustrated in the launch text of the Claude 3 model from the company Anthropic, in March 2024: “We remain committed to advancing techniques that reduce bias and promote greater neutrality in our models, ensuring that they are not biased toward any specific stance.” These challenges must be faced by companies decisively, adopting bias and prejudice mitigation practices in their machine learning models, such as: Data diversification: including representatives of different demographic and cultural groups in the training, validation and test; Continuous monitoring: carry out periodic analyzes to detect possible biases and prejudices in the results produced by artificial intelligence models. The hallucination of Generative Artificial Intelligence The concept of hallucination in machine learning models refers to situations in which algorithms generate inconsistent, inaccurate or even false results. These errors can be caused by a number of factors, including insufficient training data, incorrect assumptions made by the model, or biases in the data used to train the model. According to a survey carried out in 2023 by McKinsey, 79% of people already use Generative Artificial Intelligence (IAG) in their daily lives. However, AI hallucinations can be a problem for all IAG systems. The following measures can be taken to significantly reduce the chances of hallucination in machine learning models: Use high-quality training data: Ensuring that IAG models are trained on diverse, balanced, and well-structured data can greatly reduce the chances of hallucination. hallucination on part of the models; Clearly define the purpose of the model: Explaining how you will use the AI ​​model – as well as any limitations on using the model – will help reduce hallucinations. Teams must establish the responsibilities and limitations of the chosen AI system. As a result, tasks will be solved more efficiently and with fewer irrelevant and hallucinatory results; Perform constant human supervision: Human validation and review of AI results is a final measure to prevent hallucinations. A human reviewer can identify hallucinations in the AI ​​results and alert the development team to take the necessary technical actions to fix the identified issue. Data Security and AI The Open Worldwide Application Security Project - OWASP is an open, non-profit, international community where organizations can securely develop, operate and maintain their software. In the context of the application of AI, OWASP states that cybersecurity remains a constant concern when it comes to the use of artificial intelligence. However, it also points out that this technology has added new aspects related to data security and privacy. Ensuring that artificial intelligence tools meet the highest standards of cybersecurity and protection is the best way to mitigate the new risks brought by this technology. Among these concerns is the use of the data provided for tools for training or fine-tuning the Artificial Intelligence model. In these cases, the tools may inadvertently share sensitive or confidential data provided by users. siderSince AI systems deal with sensitive information, strict measures have been implemented to protect the privacy of data used by IAGs and, consequently, also protect the rights of citizens, as is the case in the General Data Protection Law (LGPD). With notable advances in machine learning and the growing adoption of AI in everyday life, it is essential tosiderethical impact, energy sustainability and data security. Companies and researchers are increasingly aware of the importance of proactively addressing these issues, implementing practices to mitigate bias, ensure data security and ecological sustainability. By facing these challenges with responsibility and innovation, we can make the most of the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence, promoting a more ethical, sustainable and safe future for everyone.

The role of project management in mergers and acquisitions


The role of project management in mergers and acquisitions 

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are complex processes that require meticulous planning and flawless execution. Project management is essential to guarantee the success of these transactions, from evaluation and negotiation to post-merger integration, as assessed by Guilherme Tossulino, M&A Director at Softplan. Graduated in Information Systems, Tossulino began his career as a software developer. Over time, he realized that project management was a viable path for someone with his technical profile, which led him to dedicate himself to this area and specialize. In 2016, he joined Softplan as development manager. Shortly afterwards, he was invited to lead the company's innovation process. This transition led him into the world of mergers and acquisitions, culminating in his responsibility to coordinate the company's inorganic growth strategy. Softplan from 2020. In this report, he shares his expertise in M&A, offering insights into: The importance of project management at each stage of the M&A process; The experience of Softplan in mergers and acquisitions, including challenges and lessons learned; The crucial role of organizational culture in company integration. Project management: one of the pillars of mergers and acquisitions Planning a project is fundamental to the success of business initiatives, especially in complex processes such as mergers and acquisitions. According to a study by Wellingtone, 58% of companies emphasize the importance of building a clear project scope as an essential part of any planning. With this strategic approach, it is possible to establish clear goals and, at the same time, ensure efficiency in executing the steps necessary for successful integration. The M&A process, as Tossulino describes, is made up of distinct phases. "At Softplan, it is divided into two major moments: the pre- and post-deal”, he explains. Project management manifests itself from the very beginning. In the pre-deal, a specific team conducts all activities until the contract is signed. This phase is crucial, as it defines the terms of the transaction and the way in which the integration will be carried out, whether total or partial. After the deal is formalized, the post-deal phase comes into play, led by another team, which consists of the integration of the acquired company. Tossulino explains that this process can take months or even years, depending on the complexity of the businesses involved. “When the transaction is completed, it is like a new beginning: the integration and operational transition begins, and then challenges arise that, sometimes, are only discovered along the way, and can be even more complex than the initial transaction itself” , he states. The integration project, as Tossulino highlights, is extensive and involves multiple teams and business areas. Project management is essential in coordinating schedules, deliverables and preparing internal teams to welcome the new company. strategic communication with employees, the market and customers. Tossulino highlights the importance of calibrating these messages according to the integration objectives, whether maintaining the structure of the acquired company or implementing significant changes to leverage synergies. vision of Softplan in conducting mergers and acquisitions as complex and detailed projects, where each step is meticulously planned and executed to ensure a smooth and assertive integration. Integration is the main challenge of project management in acquisitions Regarding the challenges faced in project management during the acquisitions phase, Tossulino recalls the strategy adopted by Softplan in 2019 to create a new vertical. He points to the complexity of acquiring not only a business, but also the expertise necessary to build and develop this new area of ​​activity. The central challenge also resided in the competence to consolidate and expand this vertical within the Softplan. Tossulino talks about the importance of ensuring the participation of the founding partners in the management of this new business, differentiating this process from traditional acquisitions, where management is assumed by the purchasing company. He also emphasizes the importance of having a key company as a starting point to build a complete ecosystem. Guilherme Tossulino reinforces the success of the strategy in maintaining the growth of the acquired company, integrating new products into the ecosystem and positioning the vertical as a set of integrated solutions and not just an isolated product. During acquisitions, the complexity goes beyond the financial transaction and involves building new business areas, integrating teams and products, and ensuring that strategic objectives will be achieved efficiently and sustainably over time. Also see this report by Guilherme Tossulino about the challenges and opportunities of M&A for SaaS companies! Mergers and acquisitions in Softplan Na Softplan, the mergers and acquisitions process is a structured journey that unfolds on several fronts. The MultiSaaS strategy, based on specialized segments, guides the company’s actions Softplan in the market. Tossulino explains: "We are a company that specializes in what we do. Knowing the business is important so that we can be successful in the areas in which we operate." This specialized focus is reflected in the prioritization of verticals, each aligned with the company’s expertise and strategic vision. Softplan. In this context, the Softplan adopts an integrated approach, looking at administrative and cultural fronts, followed by governance advice and technological analysis. This strategic sequence aims to integrate the acquired companies efficiently, while seeking to optimize operations and maximize value for customers. A crucial aspect in this process is cultural fit. Tossulino highlights that it “is a decisive factor in the success of acquisitions in the company's M&A process." Softplan values ​​the compatibility of values ​​and beliefs between the parties involved, recognizing that this harmony is essential for aligning objectives and building long-term productive relationships. Caring for cultural fit is not limited to objective criteria: it also encompasses subjective and qualitative aspects, such as synergy with the people involved, their beliefs and the ability to collaborate. Tossulino highlights the importance of understanding these aspects from the first approaches, as this contributes significantly to the success of integration. In the context of mergers and acquisitions, the Softplan not only seeks to grow across different business verticals, but also strives to build strong partnerships based on shared values ​​and aligned visions. This approach is a reflection of the commitment of Softplan in promoting sustainable and harmonious growth in its business ecosystem. Result-oriented innovation Softplan is recognized for its results-oriented approach to innovation, a value that is reflected both in its daily operations and in its merger and acquisition processes. Tossulin explains how the Softplan incorporates this project mindset into all aspects of its initiatives, including M&A. For him, “it is essential to treat innovation as a structured project, with a beginning, middle and end”. This “designed approach” facilitates the efficient execution of innovation initiatives and guides the merger and acquisition process. Another important point according to Tossulino is that innovation should not be seen in a dispersed or abstract way, but as a tangible initiative aimed at concrete results. "I know that innovation is intrinsic to the company because it is connected to the market and the customer. We are always creating and looking at the segment", he highlights, highlighting the importance of aligning innovation with the market's needs. At Softplan, results-oriented innovation is a fundamental value that also manifests itself significantly in the context of M&A. Tossulino illustrates this with the example of the native integration of solutions such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) with CRM (Customer Relationship Management). He even highlights the additional value generated for customers through this integration. This project-focused mentality, combined with the company's long-term strategic vision, Softplan, drives the creation of continuous innovation cycles. Through this synergy, the company identifies growth opportunities. The results-oriented approach is, therefore, a fundamental pillar that drives the Softplan in its innovation and sustainable growth efforts in the MultiSaaS market. This philosophy permeates all stages of the M&A process, from the selection of strategic targets to the complete integration of operations, ensuring that each action is guided by a clear and measurable objective.

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Work at one of the largest software development companies in Brazil, which values its team with partnership and autonomy.

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